Since 2023, Findus has been actively committed to monitoring biodiversity and pollinators by analyzing cultivated fields managed by farms in Abruzzo, Lazio, and Puglia to assess the impact of its vegetable supply chain on biodiversity. This project serves as a foundation for better understanding the agroecosystem and planning targeted interventions for biodiversity regeneration. The initiative aims to safeguard biodiversity and strengthen an essential ecosystem service - pollination - which is increasingly at risk due to climate change.
Since 2024, Findus has implemented a project to monitor the biodiversity of fields cultivated by farms located in Abruzzo, Lazio, and Puglia covering 1,000 hectares of farmland and surrounding areas. Through Flora, XNatura's technology that processes high-resolution data from ESA satellites combined with authoritative biodiversity databases and internationally recognized protocols, it has been possible to conduct an analysis of land use and ecosystem structure and quantify the potential for biodiversity in agricultural landscapes.
Each XNatura assessment and monitoring suite is based on standard and recognized protocols that help you understand the priority level of your sites in relation to nature, biodiversity, and climate.
Explore our case studies and learn how farms and agricultural supply chains are using XNatura, integrating biodiversity monitoring into their operations.
The first integrated platform to define and implement a comprehensive biodiversity, nature and climate strategy for companies, municipalities and nature parks, fully compliant with ESRS standards.