The waste management industry must comply with strict environmental regulations while ensuring the protection of local ecosystems. At the Scapigliato Waste Management Facility, located in Rosignano Marittimo, a scalable, data-driven approach was needed to monitor biodiversity, with a specific focus on pollinator populations across the site's 179 hectares.
Starting in 2024, Scapigliato launched an innovative biodiversity monitoring project with a particular focus on pollinators. Using Flora, the satellite technology developed by XNatura in collaboration with the European Space Agency (ESA), the project assesses habitat suitability within the site. This system allows for comparisons between the study area and nearby control zones by analyzing key parameters such as vegetation cover, floral availability, and the presence of structural elements that support biodiversity.
Each XNatura assessment and monitoring suite is based on standard and recognized protocols that help you understand the priority level of your sites in relation to nature, biodiversity, and climate.
Explore our case studies and learn how companies in the industrial sector are using XNatura, integrating biodiversity monitoring into their operations.
The first integrated platform to define and implement a comprehensive biodiversity, nature and climate strategy for companies, municipalities and nature parks, fully compliant with ESRS standards.