Edison Next, committed to decarbonization and the ecological transition, has recognized the importance of integrating biodiversity monitoring into its energy facilities. The challenge Edison Next faces is to develop a scalable, data-driven approach to assess the biodiversity of its sites and implement targeted actions to support its regeneration, with a particular focus on pollinators.
High-resolution Earth observation data from the European Space Agency (ESA) satellites, integrated with XNatura’s proprietary technologies, enable real-time monitoring of ecosystem health. Satellite monitoring provides precise and timely information on the biodiversity status of the analyzed area, facilitating targeted actions for its conservation and regeneration.
Each XNatura assessment and monitoring suite is based on standard and recognized protocols that help you understand the priority level of your sites in relation to nature, biodiversity, and climate.
Explore our case studies and learn how energy companies are using XNatura, integrating biodiversity monitoring into their operations.
The first integrated platform to define and implement a comprehensive biodiversity, nature and climate strategy for companies, municipalities and nature parks, fully compliant with ESRS standards.