Biodiversity and Ecosystems - E4

XNatura measures impacts, dependencies, and risks related to biodiversity and ecosystems in accordance with ESRS E4 standards.

A clear understanding of biodiversity-related risks

The analysis of biodiversity and ecosystem-related risks and impacts considers factors such as land use, Mean Species Abundance (MSA), and proximity to protected areas. This approach shifts from a qualitative perception to a quantitative assessment of your company's impact on biodiversity.

XNatura’s biodiversity and ecosystem suite uses historical data, satellite mapping, and field sampling to identify the greatest risks associated with biodiversity loss and the most significant impacts your business may have on biodiversity and ecosystems.

Why is it important for your business?

With the new European regulations, alignment with ESRS standards - in particular ESRS E4 on Biodiversity and Ecosystems - is essential. XNatura enables you to assess impacts, dependencies and risks related to biodiversity and ecosystems, supporting strategic decision-making and ensuring compliance with reporting standards.


Compliance with ESRS standards

New European regulations require the collection of accurate data on biodiversity and ecosystem-related risks, impacts and dependencies. XNatura supports your company with monitoring and reporting to ensure compliance with ESRS E4 standards.


Biodiversity impact management

The ESRS E4 standard requires companies to develop strategies to mitigate the impact of their activities on biodiversity and ecosystems. XNatura can help your company identify risks and define targeted actions to reduce the environmental impact of your business operations.


Impact of biodiversity loss on profit & loss

XNatura translates the risks associated with biodiversity loss into economic metrics, highlighting the financial impact at a portfolio or asset level. By integrating into your workflows, it allows you to quickly and independently assess the impact of your activities on biodiversity.

Biodiversity and Ecosystems Suite Tools

XNatura's Biodiversity and Ecosystems Suite provides real-time data from satellites and field sensors to analyse impacts, risks and dependencies on biodiversity and ecosystems. In addition, a Nature Expert will assist your company in interpreting these data.

Land Use
Covering Natural Habitats
Impervious soil ratio
Quantity of trees
Protected Areas
Heat islands
Mean Species Abundance (MSA)
Species at risk
Pollinator Status
Light pollution
Hydrogeological risk
Landslide and erosion risk
Built-up area

Why choose XNatura?

Develop a comprehensive assessment, monitoring and inventory of biodiversity, nature and climate with XNatura. We transform complex data into strategic insights for your business, measuring impacts, risks, dependencies and opportunities while ensuring compliance with ESRS standards.

Technical report at your fingertipsXNatura gives you complete and accurate results in just a few seconds, with a simple click.
Nature expert supportXNatura ensures the support of a dedicated team of Climate & Biodiversity Experts, always ready to help you.
Multi-site and multi-user managementXNatura allows you to monitor all your company's sites from a single platform.
Compliance with European regulationsXNatura guarantees full compliance with ESRS standards, ensuring transparency and accuracy in your company's sustainability reporting.
Reports ready for integration into your sustainability reportXNatura generates structured reports that can be integrated into your company's sustainability report.

European Sustainability Reporting Standards

XNatura is designed to be fully compliant with ESRS standards, using the TNFD's LEAP approach to ensure transparency in corporate sustainability reporting.

E1 - Climate Change

Covers the management and reduction of climate change risks arising from business activities, including greenhouse gas emissions, air, water and soil pollution, and the use of chemicals.

E2 - Pollution

Covers the management and redu...

E3 - Water Resources

Covers the sustainable managem...

E4 - Biodiversity and Ecosystems

Covers the management of busin...

White papers and practical guides

Dive deeper into key topics related to biodiversity, climate, nature, and compliance issues by downloading XNatura’s free resources: white papers, practical guides, and informative materials designed to support your business.

Sustainability Reporting Guide
White Paper on Biodiversity

Want to monitor risks, impacts, dependencies and opportunities related to nature, biodiversity and climate on a single platform? Start today with XNatura.

Companies that have chosen XNatura

Choosing XNatura means adopting an innovative, data-driven approach. This ensures transparency and full compliance with environmental regulations.

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XNatura's Environmental Platform is the first integrated platform that enables companies, nature parks and municipalities to define and implement a comprehensive biodiversity, nature and climate strategy. The platform allows them to monitor and assess risks, impacts, opportunities and dependencies, set clear goals and track metrics, all in one tool.